Every year almost half a million people obtain Green Cards. When you become a Green Card holder, you are under the same obligations to file US tax returns as US citizens (ie see www.taxesforexpats.com/expat-tax-advice/why-file.html). We help hundreds of clients who are Green card holders and continue to live outside the US.
Еven if the USCIS no longer considers a Green Card to be valid (for immigration purposes), the tax-related obligations that come with it will continue to apply - until an official written statement from the USCIS confirms that the Green Card has been revoked or relinquished.
Only then will the tax-related obligations come to an end. Noncompliance with tax obligations may give rise to high penalties - the same as for US citizens.
A U.S. person for tax purposes includes any of the following (see the IRS website):
Unfortunately - yes.
You are considered a US Permanent Resident until you officially renounce your green card - and hence required to file an annual US tax return. Please see https://www.uscis.gov/i-407 for details on how you have to renounce the GC.
Please report foreign income for the entire year. Separately (on the text entry tab) explain how income was allocated before and after the green card was issued or before and after the day when you moved to the US whichever comes first.
Which filing option is best - filing as a US resident for an entire year or part year?
The green card application generally requires 3 years of tax returns from the sponsoring US spouse.
What would it cost to do with you?
The cost of filing 3 years of tax returns with little income is $840 (3 years at $350 minus 20% discount)
In general US citizens and GC holders are subject to US federal income tax taxation, whether or not they live in the US.
However - two organizations in the world provide an exemption to this rule for Green Card holders working outside the US: IMF and the World Bank: