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Simple Tax Guide for Americans in Thailand

Simple Tax Guide for Americans in Thailand
Last updated Feb 27, 2024

Navigating the tax landscape in Thailand, including understanding taxes in Thailand, can be a complex endeavor, especially for Americans living or doing business in the country, such as in the bustling city of Bangkok. Understanding the nuances of Thai tax law is critical to ensuring compliance and optimizing tax liabilities for expats in Thailand.

This guide aims to demystify the key aspects of the Thai tax system for American expats, providing clear insight into residency criteria, types of taxation, filing requirements, and more.

Whether you're a long-term resident in Bangkok or a newcomer to Thailand, this guide will provide valuable information to help you understand your tax obligations and benefits.

Table of contents

  1. Resident vs. non-resident of Thailand
  2. Who can be considered a resident of Thailand?
  3. Types of taxes in Thailand
  4. Thailand income tax filing
  5. Types of income in Thailand
  6. Social security in Thailand
  7. Thailand pension system
  8. Tax deductions for expats in Thailand
  9. The tax treaty between the US and Thailand
  10. Most popular tax forms for US expats
  11. Thailand tax forms for US expats

Resident vs. non-resident of Thailand

The distinction between a resident and a non-resident in Thailand is a fundamental aspect of understanding one's tax obligations. This classification plays a key role in determining how you are taxed and what income is subject to Thai taxation.

  • Generally, residents are taxed on their worldwide income. This means that as a resident, your income from both Thai and international sources may be subject to Thai tax laws.
  • Non-residents are only taxed on income earned within Thailand. Income earned outside of Thailand is generally not subject to Thai taxation for non-residents.

Who can be considered a resident of Thailand?

The criteria for being considered a tax resident in Thailand are specific and primarily based on the length of your stay in the country. According to Thai tax laws:

  • An individual is considered a resident for tax purposes if he resides in Thailand for a total of 180 days or more in a tax (calendar) year.
  • The count of 180 days does not have to be continuous; it is cumulative over the tax year.

Types of taxes in Thailand

Thailand's tax system includes various forms of taxation, each with its own set of rules and rates, crucial for understanding US expat taxes.

Understanding these is critical for Americans living in Thailand, as it directly affects financial planning and legal compliance.

Personal income tax rates

PIT in Thailand is levied on an individual's income, with rates varying based on the amount of taxable income.

The system is progressive, meaning that higher income levels are subject to higher tax rates. As of the most recent tax year, the PIT rates are as follows:

Taxable income (THB*) Tax rate (%)
0-150,000 0
150,001-300,000 5
300,001-500,000 10
500,001-750,000 15
750,001-1,000,000 20
1,000,001-2,000,000 25
2,000,001-5,000,000 30
5,000,001 and above 35

* Thai baht

Value Added tax

VAT is a consumption tax levied on a product whenever value is added at any stage of the supply chain, from production to point of sale.

The standard VAT rate in Thailand is 7%. This tax is levied on the sale of goods, the provision of services, and the importation of goods and services into Thailand.

Certain goods and services are exempt from VAT, including basic foodstuffs, health services, educational services, and domestic transportation.

VAT also applies to goods and services imported into Thailand.

Tax on wealth

In Thailand, there is currently no net wealth tax imposed on individuals.

Inheritance tax

Inheritance tax in Thailand is a relatively new concept introduced to ensure fair taxation of assets transferred at death.

This tax applies to both residents and non-residents who inherit assets located in Thailand. Key points include

The inheritance tax rate is 10% for non-direct ascendants or descendants and 5% for direct ascendants or descendants (parents and children).

Inheritance tax is levied only on amounts exceeding THB 100 million per heir.

Property inherited by a spouse is exempt from inheritance tax.
The tax applies to various assets, including real estate, securities, and certain financial assets.

Corporate tax

The standard corporate income tax rate is 20%.

Smaller companies with paid-up capital at the end of any accounting period not exceeding THB 5 million and income not exceeding THB 30 million are subject to lower tax rates on a progressive scale:

Net profit (THB) Tax rate (%)
0-300,000 0
300,001 - 3,000,000 15
3,000,000 and above 20

Foreign companies operating in Thailand are taxed only on income derived from their business activities in the country.

Certain payments made to foreign companies, such as dividends, royalties, and service fees, are subject to withholding tax at various rates.

Thailand income tax filing

This section outlines the most important aspects of filing tax returns, including deadlines, procedures, and potential penalties for non-compliance.

When to file tax returns

The deadline for filing income tax returns in Thailand is usually on or before March 31 following the end of the tax year, which is the calendar year (January 1 to December 31). It's important to keep this in mind:

  • Individuals engaged in business or professional activities are also required to file a mid-year tax return by September 30 of each year.
  • In some cases, extensions can be requested, but these are usually granted under special circumstances and require a formal application.

How to file a tax return

Filing a tax return in Thailand can be done either electronically or by submitting a paper form. The steps generally include:

  1. Collect all necessary documents, including income statements, financial records, and details of deductible expenses.
  2. Tax return forms can be obtained from the Revenue Department of Thailand. Form PND 90 or 91 is used, depending on the type of income.
  3. For convenience, taxpayers can file returns online through the Revenue Department of Thailand's e-filing system.

Penalties for late or incorrect filing

Failure to file a tax return on time or submitting incorrect information can result in penalties, including:

  • A late filing penalty is usually assessed as a percentage of the tax due.
  • If income is underreported, additional taxes may be assessed, along with interest and penalties.
  • In cases of fraudulent filing or tax evasion, more severe penalties may be imposed, including legal action.

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Types of income in Thailand

Employment income

Employment income is a primary source of income for most individuals and is subject to personal income tax in Thailand. This includes

  • Regular payments received for services rendered as an employee.
  • Any additional compensation received, whether performance-related or otherwise.
  • Non-cash benefits such as housing, cars, or education are provided by the employer.
  • Retirement benefits received, either from previous employment or private retirement plans.

All forms of earned income, whether received from within or outside Thailand, are taxable for residents.

Income from gifts

In Thailand, income received in the form of gifts may be subject to taxation, depending on the value and nature of the gift:

Cash gifts exceeding certain thresholds may be taxable.
Gifts of real estate or other tangible personal property may also be subject to tax if they exceed certain limits.

Gifts from certain relatives or under certain circumstances may be exempt.

Cryptocurrency and token income

  • Gains from the sale or exchange of cryptocurrencies and digital tokens are subject to taxation.
  • Income from mining activities is considered taxable.
  • Profits from trading cryptocurrencies and tokens are subject to taxation.

Interest income

Interest income is a common form of income for many individuals, including expatriates in Thailand. This type of income typically includes:

  • Income from savings or time deposit accounts held in Thai banks.
  • Income from lending money or investing in bonds and other debt instruments.

Interest income in Thailand is subject to withholding tax. The rate can vary but is usually around 15%. Taxpayers have the option of including this income in their total taxable income or paying the withholding tax as a final tax.

Dividend income

Dividend income, which is money paid to shareholders of stocks or mutual funds, is another important type of income for investors in Thailand:

  • Dividends received from Thai companies are subject to withholding tax, usually at a rate of 10%.
  • For residents, dividends from foreign sources may be taxable in Thailand, especially if remitted in the same year they are received.

Taxpayers may be entitled to tax credits for tax withheld on dividend income, which may be used to offset their total tax liability.

Capital Gains

Capital gains are the profits made from the sale of assets such as stocks, bonds, real estate, or other investments:

  • In Thailand, capital gains from the sale of stocks and securities are generally taxed as ordinary income. However, gains from the sale of shares on the Stock Exchange of Thailand are often exempt.
  • Gains from the sale of real estate in Thailand may be subject to capital gains tax depending on various factors, including the length of ownership and the type of property.

Exempt income

Certain types of income are exempt from taxation in Thailand, which can significantly affect an expatriate's tax situation:

  • The first 150,000 THB of income is generally exempt for all taxpayers.
  • Other exemptions may include certain types of government bonds, income from certain types of insurance policies, and certain pension income.
  • Certain employment benefits, such as per diem, travel expenses, and others, may not be taxable.

Social security in Thailand

Social Security in Thailand is an important aspect of the country's welfare system, providing a safety net for workers in various circumstances, including illness, disability, and retirement.

Employees in Thailand, including foreign workers, are required to contribute to the Social Security Fund. The contribution rate is usually 5% of the monthly salary, subject to a maximum salary base.

The social security system in Thailand provides a range of benefits, including medical care, disability benefits, child support, unemployment benefits, and pensions.

Employees must contribute to the fund for a certain number of years to be eligible for full benefits, including pensions.

Thailand pension system

The pension system in Thailand is an integral part of the country's social security framework, designed to provide financial support to individuals upon retirement.

The pension system is primarily administered by the government and funded by social security contributions from employees and employers.

The standard retirement age in Thailand is 60, although this may vary depending on the individual's employment contract or specific circumstances.

The amount of pension received depends on the individual's salary and length of social security contributions.

In addition to the state pension, individuals may opt for private pension plans or provident funds, which are common among larger employers and provide an additional means of retirement savings.

Tax deductions for expats in Thailand

Understanding tax deductions is crucial for American expatriates in Thailand, as it can significantly reduce their taxable income and therefore their tax liability. The Thai tax system offers several deductions that expatriates can take advantage of.

Employment income deduction

A standard deduction is available for those earning earned income in Thailand:

Expatriates can claim a standard deduction of 50% of their earned income, up to a maximum of THB 100,000.

This deduction applies to salaries, wages, bonuses, and other compensation related to employment.


This deduction does not apply to business income or other forms of non-employment income.

Personal deductions

Charitable contributions

Charitable contributions made by expatriates in Thailand can also provide tax benefits.

Donations made to approved charities, educational institutions, religious organizations, and certain public utility projects are deductible.

The deduction for charitable contributions is generally limited to 10% of the individual's taxable income after other deductions. Documentation and proof of donation are required to claim this deduction.

Life insurance premiums

Life insurance is not only an important aspect of financial planning but also offers tax benefits for expatriates in Thailand.

Premiums paid for life insurance policies are deductible from taxable income. The policy must be with a Thai insurance company and the term should be at least 10 years.

The maximum deduction for life insurance premiums is generally limited to THB 100,000 per year.

If the life insurance policy includes a savings plan with an annual return exceeding a certain percentage of the premium, the premium may not be deductible.

Health insurance premiums

Health insurance premiums also provide tax relief, encouraging expatriates to secure comprehensive health coverage.

Health insurance premiums paid to Thai insurance companies can be deducted from taxable income.

The deduction for health insurance premiums is limited to a certain amount per year, which is separate from the deduction for life insurance premiums.

The deduction generally applies to premiums for the taxpayer's health insurance and may extend to policies covering family members under certain conditions.

Expenses for prenatal care and childbirth

Expatriates expecting a child in Thailand can benefit from deductions related to pregnancy and childbirth.

Medical expenses for prenatal care and childbirth are deductible from taxable income.
There is a limit on the amount that can be deducted per pregnancy, which covers expenses incurred in different tax years for the same pregnancy.

Proper medical receipts and documentation are required to claim this deduction.

Mortgage interest expense

For expatriates investing in Thai real estate, mortgage interest expenses offer a significant tax deduction.

Interest paid on a mortgage for a residential property in Thailand is deductible.
There is an annual limit on the amount of mortgage interest that can be deducted from taxable income.

This deduction is generally available for the taxpayer's primary residence in Thailand.

Retirement fund contribution

For American expatriates planning to retire in Thailand, contributions to retirement funds offer both financial planning benefits and tax advantages.

Contributions to approved retirement funds are deductible from taxable income in Thailand.

The deduction is limited to a percentage of taxable income or a specified maximum amount per tax year, whichever is lower.

Super savings fund investment

Investing in a Super Savings Fund (SSF) is another way to save tax-efficiently in Thailand.

Contributions to SSFs are tax deductible, subject to the fund's terms and conditions.

There is a limit on the amount that can be invested in SSFs each year for tax deduction.

To qualify for the deduction, the investment must be held for a specified period, which encourages long-term savings.

Personal allowances

Personal allowances in Thailand provide a way for individuals, including expatriates, to reduce their taxable income, thereby lowering their overall tax liability:

  • Each taxpayer is entitled to a personal allowance, which is deducted from gross income before tax is calculated.
  • Additional exemptions are available for the support of a spouse and dependent children. These allowances are subject to certain conditions, such as the spouse having no personal income or the children being under a certain age.
  • An allowance can also be claimed for the care of parents, provided they are over a certain age and have an income below a certain threshold.

Business deductions

For American expatriates running a business in Thailand, understanding business deductions is key to effective tax planning:

  • Legitimate business expenses such as office rent, utilities, and employee salaries are generally deductible.
  • Depreciation on business assets such as equipment and vehicles can be claimed as a deduction.
  • Marketing and advertising expenses are generally deductible.
  • Interest paid on business loans is deductible, subject to certain limitations and conditions.


The treatment of business losses in the Thai tax system is an important consideration for expatriates involved in business activities:

Business losses can be carried forward for a certain number of years to offset future profits. This helps to reduce taxable income in profitable years following a loss.
Unlike some tax systems, Thailand does not allow the carryback of losses to prior tax years.

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The tax treaty between the US and Thailand

The tax treaty between the United States and Thailand plays a key role in determining how American expatriates are taxed on their income in Thailand. This treaty is designed to prevent double taxation and tax evasion by ensuring that expatriates are not unfairly taxed by both countries on the same income.

Tax treaty advantage

The main benefits of the tax treaty for American expatriates include:

  • The treaty provides mechanisms to ensure that income earned by American expatriates in Thailand is taxed in a manner that avoids double taxation.
  • The treaty often results in reduced withholding tax rates on dividends, interest, and royalties, benefiting Americans receiving such income from Thai sources.
  • The treaty clarifies which country has the right to tax certain types of income, providing greater certainty and reducing the risk of tax disputes.
  • American expatriates may be eligible for tax credits for taxes paid in Thailand that can be used to offset US tax liability.

For American expatriates living in Thailand, complying with US tax laws involves filing certain tax forms with the IRS. Some of the most common forms are:

  1. Form 1040: The standard form used by US citizens and residents to file their annual income tax returns.
  2. Form 2555 (Foreign Earned Income Exclusion): This form is used to claim the Foreign Earned Income Exclusion, which allows expats to exclude a certain amount of their foreign-earned income from US taxation.
  3. Form 1116 (Foreign Tax Credit): This form is used to claim the Foreign Tax Credit, a credit for income taxes paid to a foreign government that can reduce US tax liability.
  4. FBAR (FinCEN Form 114): The Report of Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts must be filed if the total value of the expatriate's foreign financial accounts exceeds $10,000 at any time during the calendar year.
  5. Form 8938, Statement of Specified Foreign Financial Assets: This form is required to report specified foreign financial assets if the total value exceeds certain thresholds.

Thailand tax forms for US expats

In addition to US tax forms, American expatriates in Thailand must also be familiar with Thai tax forms to ensure compliance with local tax laws. Key forms include:

  1. Personal Income Tax Return (PND 90 or 91): These forms are used by individuals to file their annual income tax returns in Thailand. PND 90 is for those with earned income only, while PND 91 is for those with other types of income.
  2. Half-year tax return (PND 94): This form is for individuals who are required to file a semi-annual (mid-year) tax return, typically for those engaged in business or professional practices.
  3. Withholding tax forms (PND 3, 53, 54): These forms are used by employers and others who withhold tax from payments made to employees or service providers.
  4. VAT Return (PP 30): Businesses registered for VAT in Thailand must file this form monthly to report their VAT liabilities and payments.