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Maryland RELIEF Act: Immediate Stimulus Payments

Maryland RELIEF Act: Immediate Stimulus Payments
Last updated Feb 26, 2021

Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan signed the bipartisan RELIEF Act of 2021 on Monday, February 15, to provide a $1 billion package of emergency coronavirus relief to families and small businesses. Most of the stimulus payments should have been processed by February 19.

Maryland residents who filed a 2019 tax return and received the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) are eligible for the RELIEF Act stimulus payment of $300 for individuals and $500 for families.

These payments will be sent to your bank account or by mail, depending on what you stated in your 2019 tax return. If this information has changed, you can inform Maryland Comptroller:



Call: 1-833-345-0787

To make sure you’re eligible for the payment, please visit the Comptroller of Maryland’s website

Marylanders are eligible for the EITC if they annually earn:
  • $50,954 or less ($56,844 or less married filing jointly) with three or more qualifying children

  • $47,440  or less ($53,330 or less married filing jointly) with two qualifying children

  • $41,756  or less ($47,646 or less married filing jointly) with one qualifying child

  • $15,820  or less ($21,710 or less married filing jointly) with no qualifying children

In total, the payments provide $178 million in relief to 400,000 Marylanders

More than 55,000 businesses will also get tax credits up to $3,000/mo for three months. 

The RELIEF Act also targets more than 55,000 Maryland small businesses by providing sales tax credits of up to $3,000 per month for three months (total of $9,000). 

Ines Zemelman, EA
Founder of TFX