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What is Form 1040 Schedule 2 [a comprehensive guide]

What is Form 1040 Schedule 2 [a comprehensive guide]
Last updated Feb 22, 2024

This article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal or tax advice.

Always consult with a tax professional for your specific circumstances.

Understanding the multitude of tax forms can be a challenging task, even for seasoned taxpayers.

Among these forms, IRS Form 1040 Schedule 2 often stands out due to its specific purpose – it's used to report additional taxes that can't be entered directly onto Form 1040.

In this article, we will delve into the details of what 1040 Schedule 2 is, who needs it, and how to fill it out.

What is IRS Form 1040 Schedule 2?

IRS Form 1040 Schedule 2, often referred to as the "Additional Taxes" form, serves as a supplemental document that US taxpayers use when they have taxes to report that extend beyond what was paid through withholding or estimated tax payments.

This form was introduced as part of the Form 1040 redesign in 2018, marking a significant shift in the IRS's approach to streamline the tax reporting process.

It's important to note that this form is not filed with the older 1040 series forms such as Form 1040A or Form 1040EZ.

The 1040 Schedule 2 is structured into two distinct parts: Part I: Tax and Part II: Other Taxes. Each part is designed to capture different types of additional taxes that a taxpayer may owe.

Part I. Tax

It primarily deals with the Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT) and the excess advance premium tax credit repayment.

AMT is a tax system parallel to the standard tax system and is designed to prevent high-income taxpayers from using special tax benefits to pay little or no tax.

The excess advance premium tax credit repayment is a payment that taxpayers might have to make if they received more premium tax credit than they qualify for based on their final yearly income.

Part II. Other Taxes

This part encompasses a broader range of taxes.

This includes:

  • self-employment tax,
  • unreported Social Security and Medicare tax,
  • additional tax on IRAs and other qualified retirement plans,
  • household employment tax,
  • repayment of the first-time homebuyer credit, and
  • taxes from recapture of tax benefits.

In essence, the 1040 Schedule 2 form is a critical document for taxpayers who have additional tax liabilities beyond their regular income tax.

It ensures that these additional taxes are correctly calculated and reported, thereby helping taxpayers to comply with their tax obligations fully.

Who needs to file Form 1040 Schedule 2?

Form 1040 Schedule 2 is typically required for:

  • High-income taxpayers who owe alternative minimum tax (AMT),
  • Taxpayers who need to repay a portion of a tax credit for the health insurance marketplace,
  • Taxpayers who owe taxes in addition to standard income taxes such as self-employment taxes,
  • Taxpayers who have unreported social security and Medicare tax,
  • Taxpayers who owe additional tax on IRAs, other qualified retirement plans, or household employment tax.

Form 1040 Schedule 2 preview



How to fill out Form 1040 Schedule 2?

Part I. Tax

This section was previously included on lines 45 and 46 of Form 1040. It now consists of three lines:

  • Line 1: If you owe AMT, which applies mostly to high-income taxpayers, you'll record that amount here. You will also need to complete and include Form 6251.
  • Line 2: If you received an advance premium tax credit for health insurance, this line is where you'll note any repayment of excess advance premium tax credit that you received. You'll complete and attach Form 8962 to determine the amount, if any, that should be entered.
  • Line 3: You'll enter the total of lines 1 and 2 on line 3. You'll also enter this total on Form 1040, Form 1040-SR, or Form 1040-NR, line 17.

Part II. Other Taxes

This part includes information that was previously collected on Schedule 4 in tax year 2018. It has seven lines:

  • Line 4: If you're self-employed, this line is where you'll enter the amount you owe in self-employment taxes. This is the total you owe for Social Security and Medicare taxes and is calculated on Schedule SE, which you should also complete and attach.
  • Line 5: If you received income from an employer that didn't withhold Social Security or Medicare taxes, you'll report that amount here. You also need to complete and attach Form 4137 for unreported tips or Form 8919 for uncollected taxes.
  • Line 6: If you received a distribution subject to additional taxes from an IRAs or other similar account, or made excess contributions to certain retirement plans or tax-favored accounts, you'll enter that amount of tax here. You should complete and attach Form 5329 if required.

The remaining lines (7 to 10) are used to report various other taxes such as

  • household employment taxes (Schedule H),
  • repayment of the first-time homebuyer credit (Form 5405),
  • additional Medicare taxes (Form 8959),
  • net investment income tax (Form 8960),
  • deferred foreign income from certain foreign corporations (Form 9650A).

Finally, you'll total up all of the additional taxes you owe and then transfer this amount to Form 1040, Form 1040-SR, or Form 1040-NR.

Bottom line

Understanding and correctly filling out IRS Form 1040 Schedule 2 is crucial for taxpayers who owe additional taxes. It's always recommended to seek pro tax advice if you have any questions or concerns about filling out this form.

Remember, accurate and complete information is key when filling out any tax form.

NOTE! False or misleading information could potentially result in penalties or legal consequences.

So, take your time, gather all relevant documentation, and don't hesitate to seek professional help if needed.

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1. Is Schedule 2 for self-employed?

Yes, Schedule 2 can be used by self-employed individuals. Specifically, self-employed taxpayers may need to fill out Part II, Line 4 of Schedule 2 if they owe self-employment tax.

This tax is the total owed for Social Security and Medicare taxes and is calculated on Schedule SE, which should also be completed and attached.

2. What happens if you don't have a Schedule 2?

If you don't file a Schedule 2 when required, it could result in an incomplete or incorrect tax return. This could lead to the IRS sending a notice or audit for unreported taxes.

It's crucial to include all necessary forms and schedules when filing your tax return to avoid potential penalties or interest on unpaid taxes.

3. Is Schedule 2 the same as Schedule C?

No, Schedule 2 and Schedule C are not the same. Schedule 2 is used to report additional taxes that can't be entered directly onto Form 1040. On the other hand, Schedule C is used by sole proprietors and single-member LLCs to report income or loss from a business.

If you're self-employed, you might need to file both schedules, with Schedule C used to report your business income and expenses, and Schedule 2 used to report your self-employment tax.

Ines Zemelman, EA
Founder of TFX